
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Have You Seen Me?

photo credit: Bass

MeeMom: Oh the joys of having pets. Currently we have a dog and two box turtles . . . er, one box turtle. On Friday evening one of our sons decided he would go the extra mile and let the turtles roam the back yard. . . Which was a very thoughtful thing for this son to do. However, instead of taking them out and watching them ever so closely, he placed them carefully in the grass and then turned around and walked right back in the house. It wasn't until Saturday morning when DooDad happened to peek inside the turtle's box that he noticed ZERO turtles in their home. It was easy to find Fiona (not her real name, just in case a crazy out there is searching for box turtles) because she likes to cozy up in her shell and rest. She was pretty much right where Staccato had left her. But our crazy, could-beat-a-hare turtle, Guy (name is also changed to protect the innocent), was no where to be found. this happened before. But he had only been missing for 20 minutes. Those 20 minutes have now stretched into days.

Middle C: When we went to look for our turtles Saturday morning, we went to our neighbor's house. We couldn't find him. We prayed to find our turtle but it has been now three days and we still can't find him. I hope that this is not the answer to our prayers. I feel so bad for him. I hope we find him soon.

B Sharp: WHEN WE Went To looK FOR OUR TURTLE WE LOOKed Everywhere

Allegro: We went to look for our turtle but we couldn't find him. Signed, Allegro

MeeMom: Just FYI, B Sharp and Allegro are becoming very independant and are quite determined to type their thought on their very own. The above (and I am sure everything else that is to come from here on out) was typed with their very own sticky fingers. Literally.

Treble: I really miss the turtle! (Why MeeMom named him "Guy" is beyond me. To protect the lost innocent?) He has been missing for the past many days now. He loves to crawl around. I bet he could cross 1 yard in 30 minutes. How far do you think he could be? I really hope to find him. Tomorrow I'm going to ride my bike around the neighborhood to ask neibors if they have seen him. I am also going to make fliers for everyone. I hope I find him, that little explorer!

MeeMom: So the kiddos were talking about putting up "LOST TURTLE" posters around the neighborhood to go with the "LOST DOG" posters that appear every now and again. They were mostly concerned about which picture of Guy they would use.

DooDad: I finally had to say "Kiddos, the reason why people put pics of their dog is because there are at least a hundred different types out there. How many "LOST TURTLE" posters have you seen in your lifetime?"

Bass: Ha ha. We are so glad for DooDad because we didn't even think of that.

Middle C: Thanks DooDad.  But I agree with with Treble, Guy is a little explorer. I bet he could cross the road in about 20 seconds. I think he is on the other side of the street. I don't know but the Lord does.

Treble: I don't think he is on the other side of the street. How would he get in someone's front yard whe he starts in their backyard?

Fermata: This is very sad for me. I don't like saying goodbye to pets. I still remember when our horned toad died and we buried him. I remember when the stray cat that MeeMom would not let us feed or let into the house kept hanging around and she decided it was time to take that cat to the animal shelter. I made me so sad. And now our turtle Guy (My heavens MeeMom, what kind of turtle name is "Guy"??), who we have had as a pet for almost three years minus a few months, a few weeks, a few days and a lot of hours, is gone. I am so very sad.

Mezzo: We lost our box turtles on Saturday. I wasn't surprised when the turtle, now named "Guy" by MeeMom so some crazy out there doesn't track us down, came up missing. Dad found Fiona by some cinder blocks. So boys and girls, the moral of the story is you should always be obedient to the rules.

Bass: I miss our little Guy. (Guy?) I think he has gone the way of our neighborhood, I mean the way of the earth. And I like rotissere chicken.

Staccato: No one said that it was me who took the turtles outside. But it was me. And I am so sorry about it.

DooDad: Nice to know you Fireman . . . WHAT?? I'm not supposed to use his real name?!?

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