Photo credit: Bass |
MeeMom: When DooDad and I were first married I already had my own compilation of favorite recipes - all desserts!! While I have since added much, much more variety to my recipe collection, I have successfully passed on a love of desserts to my children. All of whom have sadly grown-up thinking that a dessert comes with every meal!
B Sharp: My favorite dessert is cookies and ice cream. I like ice cream for breakfast, but MeeMom won't let me have it unless my brothers make a fruit smoothie on Saturday morning. Then she says it's okay.
Coda: Puh-lease don't talk about dessert. I still have to work my way up to rice cereal!
Treble: Okay, so I love dessert! But I don't think that every night we should have one, but I think that every once and a while we should have one - at least four or five times a week. Some nights I really. feel like one, but I don't constently ask for one. GO DESSERT, I say!!!
Middle C: I am one of the guilty parties who ALWAYS asks MeeMom "What's for dessert?" Most of time she makes us desserts. But when we get irritated that she didn't, DooDad tells us we should be grateful because GrandMeeMom only made desserts once in a while. And DooDad said when her cookies came out of the oven, if they weren't eaten hot, they were used for hockey pucks 10 minutes later.
Staccato: I got mad today because I could see frozen cookie dough in the freezer from the cookies MeeMom made yesterday but she wouldn't bake them for me. She said we were going to have dinner in a half an hour. A half an hour is such a long time. I think I was going to starve.
Bass: Dessert is the best ever! I prefer dessert over pretty much anything. We should get a dessert every once in awhile, not everyday. Tonight, I feel like dessert. My favorite dessert is cornflake chewys. Fermata is a cornflake chewy and a really big piece of snow pudding.
Mezzo: I like dessert. It is the best at our house. Our mother is the best chef in the world. I think that we should have dessert some of the days of the week (at least the ones that end in -day).
Allegro: My favorite part of dessert, other than eating it, is helping MeeMom bake. I like that. Signed, Allegro.
DooDad: Dessert? I'm more of a main-course kinda guy. Succulent steak or tender, slow-cooked ribs is my kinda dessert.
MeeMom: Gulp. Pretty sure we are now on the USDA/Michelle Obama radar as an unhealthy, dessert-loving family. . . Just you wait until we blog about c.h.o.c.o.l.a.t.e.
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